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Welcome to Manhattan Presbyterian Church. We are a church whose mission is guided and sustained by Scriptures, the Holy Spirit, and prayer. Through the practice of bold prayer we discern God’s priorities and are empowered to join God where he is working in:
- Continuing the ministries of Jesus
- Demonstrating Christ’s compassion for a broken and hurting world
- Battling for the salvation and disciplining of all peoples
- Transforming the culture and building the kingdom of God
You are invited to experience God with us and discover:
A people of prayer – partnering to experience God
A place of refuge – an oasis of healing and hope
A purpose for life – an opportunity to join in the mission of Jesus
Join us Sundays at 10:30 a.m. for worship.
Fellowship time follows worship.
Location: 214 N. Broadway St. Manhattan, MT 59741