Who Are We?
We are ROOTED in …
- Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and the Supreme head of the church, the source and goal of our life and ministry, and the foundation of all we are and do.
- In the ancient Scriptures as the unique and authoritative Word of God. We give high priority to the preaching and teaching of the Word of God in worship and small group studies.
- In the essential tenants of Reformed Theology as found in the “Book of Confession” that give definition to our practice of faith and worship.
- In the Presbyterian Church USA which connects us to a strong heritage of Biblical faithfulness and a vital mission in this state, nation, and around the world. While we do not agree with or align in practice with some of the current actions of our General Assembly, we do value the support, resources, and partnership we find with many like-minded, Evangelical and Biblically faithful partners through our affiliation with Yellowstone Presbytery and many Christ Centered churches and initiatives within the PCUSA. We have identified ourselves as distinct from some of the actions of the larger church by joining The Fellowship of Presbyterians, which embraces Biblical Authority and a Christocentric Theology. Follow the above link to learn more of our values in relationship to the larger denomination.
- The community of Manhattan and the Gallatin Valley, as perhaps the longest continuing church presence in the Gallatin Valley outside of the historic mainline churches in downtown Bozeman. (We were founded in 1897 – see the History page for more information).
By God’s grace we’ve been here a long time and don’t plan on going away any time soon.
- As a praying church that desires to discern God’s heart and develop our ministries out of prayer. Prayer is a central part of our preparation for and practice of worship. We are available to pray for and with folks with a wide variety of needs. We also find through prayer the wisdom and strength to be Christ in this community today.
- As we strive each week to see that the preaching and teaching of the word is practical and meaningful to today’s Christian and seeker.
- In our worship style as we practice a “blended” or “Ancient-future” style of worship. We bring together some of the best of contemporary Christian music, life-giving liturgy, and video clips with traditional hymns and liturgy including the Lord’s prayer and the observance of the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of the month. We occasionally use, historic confessions as well as other ancient liturgies and prayers to deepen our worship experience.
- As a continuing presence of Christ in Manhattan and the valley; doing the works of Jesus in our time. We seek to embrace those Christ called “the least of these” in this community and beyond. We especially welcome children and youth, folks with disabilities and special needs, those who feel marginalized by the church and the culture, and all who need a fresh start in life. It is our mission to be “an oasis of healing and hope” and it is our prayer that as we reach out to and embrace folks who were close to the heart of Jesus, we may see lives healed, restored and gloriously transformed.